Are you feeling a burning sensation when you pee? Or maybe you're running to the bathroom more often than usual. Perhaps you’re just hyper focused on what’s going on, um, down there. These could be signs of a UTI or a bladder infection—two very common infections that can make you feel extremely uncomfortable. We’re here to share all the information you need to understand these infections, recognize the differences between them, and discover what you can do to feel better.
What Are UTIs and Bladder Infections?
First, imagine your body as a house with a plumbing system. The pipes carry clean water (urine) out of your body. Sometimes, tiny germs called bacteria can sneak into these pipes and cause a clog, much like a clog in your kitchen sink. This clog is called a urinary tract infection, or UTI.
Different parts of your body's plumbing system might be affected by this bacteria:
Kidneys: These are like water treatment plants inside your body, filtering waste from your blood and making urine.
Ureters: These are the pipes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
Bladder: This is your body’s storage tank for urine.
Urethra: This is the final pipe that carries urine out of your body.
When bacteria infect any part of this system, it's called a UTI. If the bacteria only clog up the bladder, it's called a bladder infection. However, bacteria can sometimes travel further up the pipes and infect the kidneys, which is more serious and can even be life-threatening if not treated promptly. No matter which part of the system is affected, it’s best to see a medical professional right away so you can feel better as soon as possible.
How Can I Tell If I Have a Bladder Infection or a UTI?
There are several signs that point to a UTI or bladder infection. The most common symptom is a burning sensation when urinating. Here are a few other symptoms to watch for:
Pain or burning sensation when urinating: As mentioned, this is the most common symptom of a UTI.
Frequent urge to urinate: You may feel the urge to urinate more often than usual, even if you've just been to the bathroom.
Pain in your lower back or abdomen: This can indicate that the infection has spread to your kidneys and become more serious.
Cloudy or bloody urine: Your urine may appear cloudy, dark, or bloody.
Strong-smelling urine: It may have a foul or unpleasant odor that smells fishy or ammonia-like.
Fever and chills: These symptoms are common in more severe infections that have spread to the kidneys.
Fatigue and feeling generally unwell: You may feel tired and weak, which can be a sign of a more serious infection.
What Can I Do If I Suspect I Have a UTI of Any Kind?
While having a UTI, including a bladder infection, is uncomfortable, it’s not uncommon. Around 8 million people visit their healthcare provider each year for a UTI. Thankfully, UTIs are easy to treat.
Your provider will most likely prescribe antibiotics to kill the bacteria causing the infection. It’s very important to follow your provider’s instructions and take all of the medicine they prescribe to completely eliminate the bacteria. If not, the UTI may not be fully treated, and you might need to start another course of antibiotics.
Additionally, your provider may recommend:
Drinking plenty of water.
Practicing good hygiene.
Taking over-the-counter pain medication to relieve symptoms.
Remember, never ignore a UTI, as it can lead to more serious infections. If you think you may have a UTI, the knowledgeable and friendly providers at Allegra Family Clinic are here to help! Simply walk in anytime between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, call us at (205) 556-5634 to schedule an appointment, or visit our website to make an appointment conveniently from your smartphone or computer!